Hi everyone and welcome to 英语开眼界
Today we’re going to learn how to say 有气质 in English
That’s actually a very difficult question. 有气质 is one of those words which don’t have a direct translation in English - 就是说,在英语里没有直接的翻译
But let’s have a look at a few possibilities
1. Elegant 优雅的
She’s not very beautiful, but she’s always very elegant.
2. Sophisticated 高雅的
Greys and blacks look more sophisticated than bright colors
3. Classy 有风度的,文雅的,高雅的
Her clothes are not very expensive, but they still look classy.
Thanks for listening everyone. Now it’s your turn to practice. Do you know anyone who is elegant, sophisticated or classy? Leave me a voice message to let me know!
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Keep practicing and see you next time!