

2017-02-17    04'52''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

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想提高英语,快下载“英语流利说”app吧! 呜啦啦啦,欢迎大家来到流利说好声音,我是可爱的Tina酱。都说闺蜜是你上辈子的情人,才有这么默契的灵魂,今天呢我们的甜心樱桃就给大家带来一首Ellie Goulding写给自己闺蜜的歌曲《Army》。让我们一起感受一下这段美妙的感情吧! 歌名:Army 原唱:Ellie Goulding 翻唱:樱桃 背景音乐:The End of the World. I know that I've been messed up 我知道我浪费了所有的机会 You never let me give up 而你从不会任我放弃 All the nights and the fights 那些夜晚 那些争吵 And the blood and the breakups 那些伤痛 还有决绝的分手 You always had to call off 你总是不得不为我妥协 I am pain I'm a child I'm afraid 我伤痕累累 像个孩子般恐惧万分 And yet you understand 而只有你明白 Yeah like no one can 是啊 他人怎会懂? Know that we don't look like much 甚至我们也不愿这般 But no one fucks it up like us 却没人像我们搞砸仅有的机会 16 and you never even judged me 16岁的年纪 你从不会对我妄下定论 Matter of fact I always thought you were too cool for me 事实上 我总认为我配不上你 Sitting there in the caravan 仍记得我们坐在拖车上 All the nights we've been drunk on the floor 酒醉倒地的那些夜晚 And yet you understand 而只有你明白 Yeah like no one can 是啊 他人怎会懂? We both know what they say about us 我们都知道别人怎么谈论我们 But they don't stand a chance because 但他们怎么可能会懂我们 When I'm with you 因为我在你身边 When I'm with you 因为我在你身边 I'm standing with an army 我的心是支顽强的战队 I'm standing with an army 我的心是支顽强的战队 When I'm with you 因为我在你身边 When I'm with you 因为我在你身边 I'm standing with an army 我的心是支顽强的战队 Standing with an army 支顽强的战队 Dark times you could always find the bright side 即便是绝望的黑暗时刻 你总能寻得希望的可能 I'm amazed by the things that you would sacrifice 我总会讶异于你的牺牲与付出 Just to be there for me 就守候在我身边 How you cringe when you sing out of tune 当你高唱爱之歌时 你怎么畏缩退步? And yet it's everything 然后一切没有改变 So don't change a thing 就不要做何改变 We both know what they say about us 我们都知道别人怎么谈论我们 But they don't stand a chance because 但他们怎么可能会懂我们 真正的闺蜜,就算彼此相互嫌弃,但她一直在你的身边,不离不弃。你们一起分享彼此的喜怒哀乐,守护彼此的小秘密。即使全世界都背叛了你,她也会站在你的身后背叛全世界。所以“你们上辈子一定是情人。”不然她怎么会对你这么好,而你也感觉到她在你心中如此重要。