

2017-02-24    06'11''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

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想提高英语,快下载“英语流利说”app吧! Hello,大家好,我是可爱or迷人的Tina酱。今天是你们期待已久的Top带来的歌曲英文版《模特》。模特这首歌原本是李荣浩在《我是歌手第三季》的踢馆之曲,在中国也是大红大紫。改编后的英文版改动少些歌词,曲调不变,让我们来欣赏一下吧! 歌名:模特 原唱:李荣浩 翻唱:Top 歌词:陈嬛 背景音乐:somewhere With glamours on my shoulders,standing all alone for nature With faces of perfection,fighting off this city's rupture In pain of isolation,waiting for salvation somewhere All the models in windows living in the shadows Could I see a little light,a little bit of sunlight See a little life ,a little bit of ture life Spare a little time,catch the teardrops in my eyes Woule you see a little me,a little bit of real me Spend a little time,feel the weakness in me Hold me till I die,never ever say goodbye Oh my arms are waving,hands are shaking Your love is falling,light is fading The tears are falling from the model's eyes,wow While heart is bleeding,mind is sinking Let's sing a heartbreak song In my life,you are the reason I am still holding on With glamours on my shoulders,standing all alone for nature With faces of perfection,fighting off this city's rupture In pain of isolation,waiting for salvation somewhere All the models in windows living in the shadows Could I see a little light,a little bit of sunlight See a little life ,a little bit of ture life Spare a little time,catch the teardrops in my eyes Woule you see a little me,a little bit of real me Spend a little time,feel the weakness in me Hold me till I die,never ever say goodbye Oh my arms are waving,hands are shaking Your love is falling,light is fading The tears are falling from the model's eyes,wow While heart is bleeding,mind is sinking Let's sing a heartbreak song In my life,you are the reason I am still holding on Oh my arms are waving,hands are shaking Your love is falling,light is fading The tears are falling from the model's eyes,wow While heart is bleeding,mind is sinking Let's sing a heartbreak song In my life,you are the reason I am still holding on 【原版中文歌词】 穿华丽的服装 为原始的渴望而站着 用完美的表情 为脆弱的城市而撑着 我冷漠的接受 你焦急的等待也困着 像无数生存在橱窗里的模特 除了灯以外 我还能看见什么 除了光以外 我还能要求什么 除了你以外 还能倚赖哪一个 在千里以外 在呼喊的是什么 在百年以后 想回忆的是什么 在离开以前 能否再见那一刻 记得 你的眼睛将会亮着 我的手臂将会挥着 谁说世界早已没有选择 趁着我会喜怒你会哀乐 唱几分钟情歌 没什么 至少证明我们还活着 像单纯的蝴蝶 为玫瑰的甜美而飞着 像顽皮的小猫 为明天的好奇而睡着 是混乱的时代 是透明的监狱也觉得 是不能继续在橱窗里做模特 除了风以外 我还能听到什么 除了尘以外 我还能拒绝什么 除了你以外 还能倚赖哪一个 在千里以外 在呼喊的是什么 在百年以后 想回忆的是什么 在离开以前 能否再见那一刻 从歌词上来看,这首歌就有了必火的潜质,因为写的清新脱俗和普通谈情说爱的歌好不一样。其实认真品味起来还是会觉得好伤悲,歌词里的几个问句抛出来一些看似空,但是想想会很后怕的问题。我们就像橱窗里的模特,穿着华美的衣服,用完美的表情,层层伪装,但是我们的心却很空,我们的精神却很空虚,体现了现代化大都市主体的核心矛盾,即对消费主义的抵抗和无力感。