

2017-04-10    04'40''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

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想提高你的英语吗?快下载“英语流利说”app吧! Hi,大家好,欢迎来到流利说好声音,我是可爱的Tina酱。今天是老朋友Jimmy带来的歌曲《Boston》,原唱Augustana是一支风格上与Coldplay相近的乐队。他们的音乐有点回归九十年代中期的成人另类风格,同时还加入了轻柔的钢琴伴奏,非常有意思。让我们一起来听听Jimmy动听的歌声吧! 歌名:波士顿Boston 原唱:Augustana 翻唱:Jimmy in the light of the sun, is there anyone? 在那耀眼的阳光下,有人吗? oh it has begun... 喔..这一切都将开始 oh dear you look so lost, 喔..亲爱的,你看起来那么失落 Eyes are red and tears are shed, 眼睛红红的,泪也流了下来 this world you must've crossed...you said... 你说,日子终究还是要过下去的 you don't know me, you don't even care, 你不了解我,甚至毫不关心 you don't know me, you don't wear my chains... 你不了解我,不能容忍我 essential and appealed, 总有一天会实现的 Carry all your thoughts across 带著你所有的想像 an open field, 穿过那一大片无垠草原 when flowers gaze at you.. 花儿凝视著你 They're not the only ones who cry 它们不是唯一 when they see you 看见你哭泣的 you said... 你说 you don't know me, you don't even care, 你不了解我,甚至毫不关心 you don't know me, you don't wear my chains... 你不了解我,不能容忍我 she said I think I'll go to Boston... 她说,我要出发前往波士顿 I think I'll start a new life, 我要一个全新生活 I think I'll start it over, 我要重新开始 Where no one knows my name, 到一个没有人认识我的地方 I'll get out of California, 我要离开加州 I'm tired of the weather, 我讨厌那里的天气 I think I'll get a lover and fly em out to Spain... 我会有个新恋情,和我的伴去西班牙 I think I'll go to Boston, 我要出发前往波士顿 I think that I'm just tired 我只是累了 I think I need a new town, 我需要一个崭新的小镇 To leave this all behind... 把一切抛在脑后 I think I need a sunrise, I'm tired of the sunset 我需要晨曦,而不是晚辉余霞 I hear it's nice in the Summer, 我听说那里夏天很棒 Some snow would be nice... 能下点雪也很好 Boston...where no one knows my name... 波士顿...一个没有人认识我的地方 ​