外教教你说 | 这些地道口语,不知道你就 out 了!

外教教你说 | 这些地道口语,不知道你就 out 了!

2017-04-19    03'07''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

67 4

想提高你的英语吗?快下载“英语流利说”手机app吧! Hi everyone and welcome to today’s podcast! Over the next few weeks, we’re going to learn some super useful phrases together. And trust me, if you learn these phrases, you’re going to sound so much more like a native speaker! 在接下来的几个星期,我们一起来学一些超级实用的短语。学会了,保证你的英语会变得更地道,更像母语者! So today, let’s start with three phrases with the word ‘out’ 1. Branch out I’ve been doing yoga for years. I want to branch out and try something new, maybe pilates. 我做瑜伽做了很多年了。我想扩大活动范围,试试新的东西,可能普拉提吧。 Branch out means to try and do something different, and expand your realm of habits or activities. Branch out 的意思是试一试新的东西,扩大习惯或活动范围。 ​Branch is 树枝 so you can imagine a tree, with branches growing outwards. As the branches grow, the tree is going into new spaces it hasn’t explored before. People can do the same. Branch 是树枝,所以你可以想象一棵树,树枝往外长。随着树枝长的过程,这棵树会扩展到新的,以前没有探索过的空间。人也可以一样做。 2. Reach out We should reach out to people in need - by doing volunteer work, or just by chatting to homeless people on the street. 我们应该伸出手帮助那些有需要帮助的人 - 做义工或者就跟街上的流浪者聊聊天 Reach out means to try to communicate with someone, or try to help someone. This one is easy to remember - just imagine reaching out with your arm to try grab someone’s hand. Reach out 的意思是试图跟某人联系,或者帮助某人。这个很好记 - 就想象你伸出手去抓住另一个人的手。 3. Jump out When I saw his CV, his Harvard MBA immediately jumped out at me. 当我看到了他的简历,他的哈佛MBA学位马上引起了我的注意力 If something jumps out at you, it grabs your attention. This one is also easy to remember - imagine someone jumping up and down - of course you will notice them! 要是某件东西 jump out at you,就是说它非常强烈地引起了你的注意力。这个短语也是好记的 - 想象有个人在蹦蹦跳 - 你当然会注意到他了! 我是来自澳洲的华裔老师,有五年的丰富教学经验,深度了解中国学生学英语的困难,常犯错误。可以用最标准的口音为你们讲解。 Thanks for listening everyone, have a great day! See you next time!