

2017-06-21    09'11''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

103 6

歌名:jesus of suburbia 原唱:Green Day 翻唱:Jimmy 我是爱与恨之子 I‘m the son of rage and love 是郊区的耶稣 The Jesus of suburbia 以上所说的在圣经里没有记载 From the bible of none of the above 我拥有的只是苏打水和兴奋剂 On a steady diet of soda pop and Ritalin 没人因为我的罪恶而下地狱 No one ever died for my sins in hell 据我所知 As far as I can tell 至少那些被我逃脱了处罚的人没有下地狱 At least the ones I got away with 我没有神经错乱 And there’s nothing wrong with me 这就是我本来的样子 This is how I'm supposed to be 在这块崇尚信仰的土地上 In the land of make believe 却没有人相信我 That don't believe in me 修理好我的电视机 Get my television fix 坐在我的十字架上 sitting on my crucifix 这卧室 作为我的私人空间 The living room or my private womb 当妈妈和Brads(继父)出去的时候 While the moms and brads are away 去坠入爱河 去债墙高筑 To fall in love and fall in debt 在酒精、香烟和大麻里堕落 To alcohol and cigarettes and Mary Jane 继续保持疯狂的状态 让大伙都抽上可卡因 To keep me insane and doing someone else's cocaine 我没有神经错乱 And there's nothing wrong with me 这就是我本来的样子 This is how I'm supposed to be 在这块崇尚信仰的土地上 In the land of make believe 却没有人相信我 That don t believe in me 在这片大陆的中心 在我成长的地方 At the center of the Earth In the parking lot 在7-11便利店停车场我被告知 Of the 7-11 were I was taught 那座右铭只是个谎言 The motto was just a lie 它说家就是你心灵的归宿 但可惜的是 It says "home is where your heart is" But what a shame 每个人的心跳都不一样 Cause everyone‘s heart Doesn’t beat the same 它跳得不合拍 It‘s beating out of time 死寂的城市 City of the dead 在另一条迷失公路的尽头 At the end of another lost highway 路标让人误入歧途 Signs misleading to nowhere 该死的城市 City of the damned 那些迷失的带着满脸灰尘的孩子们 Lost children with dirty faces today 没人真地关心过他们 No one really seems to care 我看着澡堂墙上的涂鸦 I read the graffiti In the bathroom stall 就像是购物中心里的神圣经文 Like the holy scriptures of a shopping mall 它似乎在忏悔 And so it seemed to confess 它不说太多 只是想证明 It didn't say much But it only confirmed that 这片大陆的中心就是世界的尽头 The center of the earth Is the end of the world 可我根本就不在乎 “英语流利说”手机app,你的贴身口语老师。