

2017-04-13    03'27''

主播: 卡卡课堂

205 10

万万没想到-大乔的笑话 One day, on a London bus, the driver was taking the fares from new passengers when an enormous man with huge muscles got onto the bus. The driver asked for the money for the ticket, but the man just shook his head and said, ‘I’m Big Joe, and I don’t have to pay!’ The bus driver wasn’t a strong man and he didn’t want to argue with this giant, so the man got on the bus without paying. The next day at the same bus stop, the enormous man was there again, and like the day before, when it was his turn to pay for his ticket, he just said, ‘I’m Big Joe, and I don’t have to pay.’ After a few weeks of this, the bus driver was really starting to get angry, so he decided to join a gym. He worked out every day for three months, until his muscles were bulging and he could pick up tables with one arm. One Monday, the bus driver decided that today was the day. As usual, the enormous man got on the bus as usual and announced, ‘I’m Big Joe, and I don’t have to pay.’ This time, the bus driver was brave enough to stand up and tell the man, ‘Why not? Of course you have to pay. Everyone has to pay!’ The man looked at him in surprised silence for a few seconds and then slowly answered, ‘Because Big Joe has a bus pass.’ 有一天,在伦敦的一辆公共汽车上,司机正在收刚上车的乘客的车费,一个身材高大,满身肌肉的人上车了。司机要求他买票,但那人只是摇摇头说, “我是大乔,我不必给钱!” 公共汽车司机不是一个强壮的人,他不想和这个大块头争吵,所以那个人没有付钱就上了公共汽车。 第二天,在同一个公共汽车站,那个身材高大的男子再次在那里,像前一天一样,当轮到他买票时,他只说, “我是大乔,我不必给钱。” 接下来的几个星期都是这样,公共汽车司机真的开始生气了,所以他决定去健身房。他每天锻炼,整整三个月,直到他的肌肉膨胀,他可以一只胳膊就抡起桌子。 一个星期一,公共汽车司机决定在这一天出手。像往常一样,这个大块头像往常一样上了公共汽车并宣布, “我是大乔,我不必给钱。” 这一次,公共汽车司机勇敢地站起来告诉那个人, “为什么不呢?你当然得买票。每个人都要买票!” 那人惊讶地沉默了几秒钟,然后慢慢地回答了他, “因为大乔有公共汽车月票。”