学一首断眉的超洗脑单曲-How Long

学一首断眉的超洗脑单曲-How Long

2020-06-19    06'32''

主播: 卡卡课堂

2508 19

How Long 教唱(1) 从See you again声名鹊起,到个人专辑Nine Track Mind展现出的天赋灵巧,Charlie Puth的才华已毋庸置疑,而上一张专辑仅在亚洲地区就斩获45倍白金销量的佳绩更是令同辈歌手望尘莫及,这样的成就令昨日还是新人姿态的查理已然步入超级巨星行列,无论流媒体Spotify还是Billboard榜单排名都昭示着势不可挡的前进步伐,终于,万众期待中Charlie发布了新单曲How Long,又一首霸榜之作将牢牢俘获歌迷视听。 歌词发音技巧: I'll admit I was wrong I’ll admit 连读 admit d不完全爆破 我承认都是我的错 admit美 [əd'mɪt] vt. 承认; What else can I say girl What else 连读 can I连读 宝贝我还能说些什么 Can't you blame my head and not my heart Can’t you连读 head and连读 and d省音并且元音弱读 你可以说我头脑发热但是不能质疑我对你的心 I was drunk I was gone 我宿醉 一去不回 That don't make it right but That t don’t t省音 make it连读 it t right t but t省音 这也不是正当的借口 Promise there were no feelings involved Feelings involved 连读 我保证我并没有动真感情 She said boy tell me honestly Said d 省音 honestly t不完全爆破 她说 宝贝你就坦白告诉我 Was it real or just for show Was it 连读 real or 连读 it t just t省音 这一切是真心还是你的逢场作戏 She said save your apologies Said d 省音 她说 不如就省省你的歉意和愧疚 Baby I just got to know Baby I连读 got t省音 我知道事情的真相