

2020-06-30    03'08''

主播: 卡卡课堂

2289 16

英语美文-漏水的瓶子 你是否曾经为自己的缺点或是局限性而感到自卑或是难过或是焦虑呢? 自卑的心理其实是我们想要变得更好,但是又不知道怎样提升时的一种无可奈何而已。 但我们需要明白,让你产生自卑情绪的,只是你经历的一件事或是一次挫折,这些都不能定义为你的身份。 简单来说,自卑不等于你,只是你经历的一次困难。你可以迎头赶上,不断学习精进,在错误中不断吸取经验,直到渡过难关。 以上是一种让人脱离自卑的方式。 今天的故事,从另外的角度让我们重新认识自己的缺点,直面我们的自卑。 中国人讲阴阳,俗话说:祸兮福所倚,福兮祸所伏。过度的自信就是自负。过度的谦虚就是自卑。可见,万事万物,总是阴阳相随的。 认清自己,能把自己的劣势转化为优势,也是一种直面自己缺点,克服自卑情绪的方式。 今天的故事主角是一个会漏水的瓶子,它为自己总是漏水感到非常自卑,我们来看看它最终是如何接受自己,利用自己的缺点的。 Once upon a time, there was a farmer and he bought 2 water pots . But unfortunately one of them had a big hole in bottom of it. 从前,有一个农夫他买了两个水瓶。但不幸的是其中一个底部有个大洞。 The farmer used those bottles to put water and brought them to his town. 农夫用那些瓶子装水并且带它们回城。 But the broken bottle leaked continually so that it made him feel useless. 但破瓶子一直漏水,这让它觉得自己没用。 And the other bottle, to have been feeling proud, used to make tease of him every time when he spilled water. 另一瓶则一直感觉自我良好,而且习惯于每次当它溅出的水的时候嘲笑它。 One day, he couldn't stand it anymore and asked the farmer to throw himself away. 有一天,他受不了了,于是要求农夫把自己扔掉。 However the farmer smiled ,with saying " Did you see the road in our town recently?" 然而农夫微笑着说“你看见我们城里的路了吗?” They went back down to the road and there were many beautiful flowers. " Do you see that?”The water that you have spilled so far has grown these plants. 他们回到路上发现有许多美丽的花。 “你看到了吗?“你到目前洒的水长出了这些植物。 Even though we have some bad points,we don't need to stay sad and depressed all the time. Because we also can offer help to others using our flaws. Cheer Up.Life is Good!! 即使我们有缺点,我们不需要悲伤并且一直很沮丧。因为我们用我们的缺点帮助其他人。 振作起来。生活很好!!