

2018-02-02    06'41''

主播: 欣然静静

69 1

纪伯伦 —《沙与沫》(节选) 作者:纪伯伦 诵读:欣然 你如果真的睁开眼看,你会在一切形象中看到自己的形象。 你如果真的竖起耳听,你会在一切声音中听到自己的声音。 真理需要我们两个人来发现: 一个说,一个理解。 虽然语言的波涛永远覆盖着我们,但我们内心深处却永远沉静。 许多学说都像窗玻璃。我们通过它认识真理,但它又把我们与真理分开。 现在让我们来玩捉迷藏。你要是藏在我心里,我就不难找到你。 但要是你藏到自己的壳里去,那谁也找不到你。 女人会以微笑作为面纱。 一颗悲伤的心,却能和欢乐的心同唱欢乐的歌,这是何等高贵啊! 愿意理解女人,分析天才,解答沉默之谜的人,也就是愿意从美梦中醒来坐在早餐桌上的人。 我要和所有行走的人一起走。而不要停下来看着队列走过。 钱满素 译 选自《先知·沙与沫》,北京十月文艺出版社 原文参考 Sand and Foam (Excerpt) By Kahlil Gibran[Lebanon] Recitalist:Natalie Portman|Actress Should you really open your eyes and see, you would behold your image in all images. And should you open your ears and listen, you would hear your own voice in all voices. It takes two of us to discover truth: one to utter it and one to understand it. Though the wave of words is forever upon us, yet our depth is forever silent. Many a doctrine is like a window pane. We see truth through it but it divides us from truth. Now let us play hide and seek. Should you hide in my heart it would not be difficult to find you. But should you hide behind your own shell, then it would be useless for anyone to seek you. A woman may veil her face with a smile. How noble is the sad heart who would sing a joyous song with joyous hearts. He who would understand a woman, or dissect genius, or solve the mystery of silence is the very man who would wake from a beautiful dream to sit at a breakfast table. I would walk with all those who walk. I would not stand still to watch the procession passing by. 记忆是相见的一种方式。忘却是自由的一种形式。 ——纪伯伦 我要和所有行走的人一起走,而不要停下来看着队列走过。 ——纪伯伦 纪·哈·纪伯伦(Kahlil Gibran),美籍黎巴嫩诗人、作家、画家。他是与泰戈尔并肩的近代东方文学先驱。其主要作品有《泪与笑》《先知》《沙与沫》等。 诗歌音频歌曲剪辑自Lana Del Rey的作品Young And Beautiful。黑暗也许永不消散,但也不会永远如此沉重。 诵者简介:用最自然、本真、流畅的声音,不过度夸张,不极尽渲染,在娓娓道来中让人或宁静、或感动、或深思、或顿悟,演绎最深情的文字。 我是欣然,我只想用我的声音,温暖你的耳朵,用声音陪伴亲爱的你!❤️