唤秋 Calling the Fall (180310(2))

唤秋 Calling the Fall (180310(2))

2018-03-10    01'43''

主播: 中国英语世界第一人

26 0

唤秋   By Dave中国英语世界第一人   梧叶悄零落, 孤千自唤秋。 蘋花当渐老, 日煦谁人愁?     Calling the Fall   By Dave No. 1 Soul in China's English World   Phoenix tree leaves are turning yellow quietly. Calling the fall, on its own, is a lonely swinging swing. The floating grass blossoms should be aging. Why bother the vexation as the sunshine is balmy?   (Shenzhen, March 10, 2018)