She Walks in Beauty

She Walks in Beauty

2019-02-08    03'38''

主播: 中国英语世界第一人

659 3

She Walks in Beauty 美中行 By Lord Byron Translated by Dave, 中国英语世界第一人 February 7th, 2019   She walks in beauty, like the night 行于美处似黑夜, Of cloudless climes and starry skies; 万里无云星满天。 And all that's best of dark and bright 至明至暗成珠合, Meet in her aspect and her eyes: 恰好聚凝眸玉颜。 Thus mellow'd to that tender light 柔光秋水竞鸣和, Which heaven to gaudy day denies. 厌厌日间不再天。   One shade the more, one ray the less, 添黛为多白去少, Had half impaired the nameless grace 绝世风雅当损半。 Which waves in every raven tress, 荡漾乌黑揉发梢, Or softly lightens o'er her face; 圣光潋滟闪芙面。 Where thoughts serenely sweet express 思静情痴何处了? How pure, how dear their dwelling-place. 纯洁可爱寸方间。   And on that cheek, and o'er that brow, 人面桃花玉佩头, So soft, so calm, yet eloquent, 柔情似水胜西海。 The smiles that win, the tints that glow, 迎风浅笑星辉流, But tell of days in goodness spent, 岁月静休袅袅载。 A mind at peace with all below, 海枯石烂驿动处, A heart whose love is innocent! 情到洁时正是爱!