祥林嫂+阿Q (中英文双语嘻哈)

祥林嫂+阿Q (中英文双语嘻哈)

2019-06-24    05'55''

主播: 中国英语世界第一人

212 2

祥林嫂+阿Q -an improvised 28-line tetrameter iambic poem 微群即兴创作28行四音步抑扬格英文诗/中文顺口溜/嘻哈演绎 By Dave, No. 1 Soul in China’s English World中国英语世界第一人 @Troll ABC 190624   My funny name is Jolly Miller. And what I need is Master’s torture. I ever challenged Dave but failed, He beat me up, like jelly and pails.    I bragged my big and sagging dick, he said a party would need to lick. And Chinks enjoy whatever’s moving. They fry, stew and roast them, gulping.   He paid one Yuan and made the party. I had to lose my thing without mercy. We used to rob the world as pirates. And when did Asians turn so strong as rabbits?   I got insulted half an hour. Eighteen won the bitch a master.     Since fled the group, I’ve licked my bruises. I’ve held the grudge to make some fixes. But Dave is King of Trolls, so rude. With God, I’m always mute and nude.   When caught in Masud’s shitty hole, I gave a hello to Dave. He’s cold. My last resort is playing possum. I cover eyes to skip the problem.   I cheat me Master isn’t there. And people don’t think it’s fair. I’m eating all the dirt to better. Whatever hits me makes me higher.   祥林嫂 repeats the same to live. 阿Q does lie for what survives.   The English version is a 28-line tetrameter iambic classic English poem, but it’s full of irony. So, the Chinese version is translated as a jingle. Both are fit to be delivered in the rapping style. 英文版是一首28行四步抑扬格古典英语诗歌,但充满了讽刺意味。所以,中文版被译成一首顺口溜。两者都适合以说唱风格演绎。