Lengends 传说 (双语原创十四行诗)

Lengends 传说 (双语原创十四行诗)

2019-07-06    05'34''

主播: 中国英语世界第一人

439 1

Legends -an improvised sonnet in trochee hexapody 传说 -微群即兴双语创作十四行诗   By Dave, No. 1 Soul in China’s English World @Let’s Practice and Have Fun,July 5th, 2019   Reaching out is what is called a reddest flower. Asking round is who's addressed a dullest birdie. Eden here seduces slowest casual runners. Dumbest bees are drowned in as the scent is palmy.   Quiet stays the garden, calming easy playmates. Silent go the players, teaching hardcore idiots. Godly swans are flying high above the undate. Lofty stunts are freezing all the dashing billiards.   Smiles & waves & greets a mild & friendly guardian. Write and talk the mass, admiring what is daunting. Downy breezes feel across the woods in billions. Shining sunrays never miss a corner, weeping.   Poets makes the mortal dye for starry heaven. William left a world chanting ageless legends.   一枝红杏越墙娆, 笨鸟饶舌尚不晓。 伊甸此园挽过客, 蜂蝶此去不蜜叼。   鸳鸯丛里阑珊笑, 蝶蝴婆娑再无娇。 白浪高翔天际鹤, 惊心大圣斗云飘。   主人温润朝霞俏, 晚辈谦恭闪电遥。 遍抚柔风千万树, 骄阳尽照落魂消。   繁星绝唱为今宵, 不老传说比尔高。   @all[憨笑][憨笑][憨笑]