

2019-07-13    03'46''

主播: 中国英语世界第一人

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Fakers装逼的家伙们   -an improvised presentation @ Ale – Beautiful Models 微群即兴演讲 By Dave,No. 1 Soul in China’s English World中国英语世界第一人 July 13th, 2019, Saturday     吴卫军:@Dave中国英语世界第一人 真想英语第一人,就先从建一个英语村开始。中国还没有英语村呢 china have millions people who can speak English. millions foreigners stay in China. millions schools where English is one lesson.  plenty of English groups. books. TVs and movies.    but we don't have one English village. no English town. ( 卫军老弟的英语信息错误百出,读者谨慎学习!--Dave )   Hey, man! I just noticed your comment. Let’s make it a group where people speak English first! 嘿! 我刚注意到你的评论。让我们先把这个群变成说英语的群吧!   In my opinion, most Chinese and a lot of foreigners are just fucking fakers! 在我看来,大多数中国人和许多外国人只是他妈的装逼的东西!   What are fakers like? 装逼的家伙们是什么样的人?   Fakers just occupy seats, keeping silent. They never share information about themselves, or give comments on others' performance in any group. 装逼的家伙们只是占着位置,却一言不发。他们从不分享自己的信息,也不会在任何群中对他人的表现发表评论。   Fakers are those who always release advertisements, or even spam in many big groups. They never give their real voice, and they can never win any real trust from potential customers! 装逼的家伙们是那些总是发布广告,甚至在很多大的群中发布垃圾信息的人。他们从来没有真正发出自己的声音,也永远无法赢得潜在客户的信任!   What fakers can do most is texting instead of speaking in voice. 装逼的家伙们能做的,最多就是发短信,而不是说话。   Fakers judge. Though they themselves never speak in voice. They love judging others' English cuz they themselves are secure! 装逼的家伙们评点他人。虽然他们自己从来不说话。他们喜欢评判别人的英语,因为他们自己是安全的!   Fakers are cowards. They don't dare to speak in voice. They don't even dare to speak in Chinese. They're so afraid of their own voice. They're afraid they might lose a lot of audience if they expose their real voice. Do they have any audience? I don't think so! 装逼的家伙们是懦夫。他们不敢说话。他们甚至不敢说中文。他们非常害怕自己的声音。他们担心如果暴露了真实的声音,他们可能会失去很多听众。他们有听众吗? 我不这么认为!  @all[憨笑](Page 1-2) Fakers are jealous. They don’t speak good English. They don’t even dare to SPEAK English. But when others speak, they don’t want them to show off. They wanna smear and slander whoever stands out! 装逼的家伙们都嫉妒。他们英语说得不好。他们甚至不敢说英语。但是当别人说话的时候,他们不想让他们炫耀。他们想要诽谤和中伤那些脱颖而出的人!   Fakers are judgmental, cowardly, and jealous. Speaker are real heroes in any group! Speakers are the teacher of fakers. Speakers are those who can rescue any fucking dead groups!! 装逼的家伙们爱评判、胆小和嫉妒。演讲者在任何群体中都是真正的英雄! 演讲者是装逼的家伙们的老师。演讲者是那些可以拯救任何该死的死亡微群的人!!   @all[憨笑][憨笑](Page 2-2)