龙岗徒步寻花(七律)/ Hiking in Fragrance

龙岗徒步寻花(七律)/ Hiking in Fragrance

2019-12-14    02'17''

主播: 中国英语世界第一人

556 3

龙岗徒步寻花(七律)/ Hiking in Fragrance   By Dave, No. 1 Soul in China’s English World 中国英语世界第一人Dave双语原创 191214   肩扛吉他赴麟恒, 口吐莲花挑满城。 坐期俊秀丹妮见,   路遇奇人杰伟冲。   桂花八月举国醉,    香圳初冬一路轻。 一方六万无家附, 全美浪人心不平。   He put the music on the shoulder. Guitar and voice stirred the town.   She showed herself in such demure. Which meant to win her nameless crown.   Abundant fragrans bloomed in August. The scent is lightening all the way. They say that sixty thousand homeless. They sure call us blessed and lucky.     后记P.S.   我肩上扛着一把吉他,前往咖啡店,在那里我一直在做周六下午的英语角。我会上了Daniella,我一直在等她。回来的路上碰到了一个吉他手韦杰先生。在去那边的路上,我注意到人行道边种的桂花。在回来的路上,我数了数桂花树树的数目,闻了又闻。   我刚刚在NPR上读到一则新闻报道,说美国Boise市有6万无家可归的人。他们中的一个自称蟑螂。如果他们来到深圳,这场景可能会让我们中国人反感,他们甚至会在深圳龙岗大道的所有人行道上争抢着搭帐篷,因为这样的冬日里,人行道边还盛开着沁人心脾的桂花!   I was carrying a guitar on my shoulder, headed for the coffee shop where I have been making an English corner on Saturday afternoons. I met up with a Daniella, who I had been expecting, and ran into a guitar player on the way back. I noticed the osmanthus planted on the way there, and counted the number of trees and smelled much more deeply on the way back.   I just read a news report on NPR that there are 60,000 homeless people in the city of Boise. One of them call themselves cockroaches, who, if they were permitted to reside here, might turn us Chinese off and would fight over all the sidewalks on Longgang Avenue, in Shenzhen to pitch their tents since they are still embroidered, in this season, with blossoming osmanthus fragrans!   [抱拳]@all[Laugh]