082 这不是我的帽子!

082 这不是我的帽子!

2018-12-04    03'58''

主播: 良声英语

1701 12

A fish has stolen a hat. And he'll probably get away with it. Probably. 一只鱼偷了一顶帽子。他很可能带着帽子逃走,很可能! This hat is not mine. I just stole it. 这顶帽子不是我的,我只是偷了它。 I stole it from a big fish. He was asleep when I did it. 我从一只大鱼那里偷来的。当他睡着了我才敢这么做。 And he probably won't wake up for a long time. 他很可能长时间内不会醒来。 And even if he does wake up. he probably won't notice that it's gone. 尽管他会醒来,他也很可能不会注意到帽子丢失这件事。 And even if he does notice that it's gone, he probably won't know it was me who took it. 如果他真的注意到了帽子丢了,他也很可能不会知道是我拿了它。 And even if he does guess it was me, he won't know where I am going. 如果他真的猜到是我干的,他也不会知道我在哪儿。 But I will tell you where I am going. I am going where the plants grow big and tall and close together. It is very hard to see in there. Nobody will ever find me. 但我会告诉你我要去哪儿,我要去植物茂盛的地方。 那里很难会看见我,没有人能找到我。 There is someone who saw me already. But he said he wouldn't tell anyone which way I went. 已经有人看见我了,但是他答应不会告诉任何人我的去处。 So I am not worried about that. 但是我不担心那个。 I know it's wrong to steal a hat. I know it does not belong to me. But I am going to keep it. It was too small for him anyway. It fits me just right. 我知道偷帽子是错误的行为。我知道它不属于我,但是我就是要它。对于那只大鱼来,帽子不太适合他,太小了。而我带上刚刚好。 And look! I made it! Where the plants are big and tall and close together! 看!我找到了!这里植物非常茂盛! I knew I was going to make it. 我知道我要戴着它。 Nobody will ever find me. 没人能找到我。 好啦,今天的故事就到这啦~
上一期: 079 胡萝卜种子
下一期: 088 妈咪的书