148 舞龙

148 舞龙

2019-03-23    04'35''

主播: 良声英语

1675 12

Chinese New Year is a holiday that lasts fifteen days. It begins on the first day of the lunar new year, in January or February. 中国新年从大年初一开始,持续十五天。大年初一是农历新年的第一天,通常在阳历的一月或者二月。 Kids and their families celebrate with fireworks and parades. 孩子们和家人放鞭炮、上街游行来庆祝新年。 A Big Feast is usually eaten on New Year's Eve. 在除夕夜还有一顿丰盛的年夜饭。 We shop for fresh fish and plum blossoms here. We buy things to celebrate Chinese New Year! 我们在这买一些鲜鱼、梅花,这是办年货。 (在买之前尝个鲜吧) Oops! Sorry! 哦!对不起! (一不小心把橘子掉到盆里了) We sweep, mop, and dust the old year away. 我们(在家里)拂去灰尘,扫地拖地,把过去的一年清理出去。 We decorate our home for the holiday. 我们装饰房间来庆祝节日。 (对联上写着:) Good Luck and Good Fortune. Happy New Year. 大吉大利,新年快乐。 Red dresses. Red shirts. 红裙子,红衣服。 Red envelopes, too. 还有红包。 Red brings good luck to me and to you. 红色给你我都带来好运气。 (我们拿到红包以后,跟爷爷奶奶、姥姥姥爷说:) Thank you! 谢谢! We all share a feast. 我们在一起吃年夜饭。 There's duck, crab, and pork. 有鸭肉,螃蟹,和猪肉。 Dad eats with chopsticks. 爸爸用筷子。 I use my fork. 我用我的叉子。 We eat the noodles last! 最后吃面条。 (挑起长长的面条,这叫“挑寿”。) We hurry to watch the parade on the street. 我们赶紧跑到街上看游行。 Jugglers toss balls. Lions dance to the beat. 玩杂耍的人往上扔球,狮子踏着节拍舞动。 Wow! Look at the juggler throw! 哇!看精彩的扔球表演! Something is coming! 有什么事要发生了! We all try to see. 我们都使劲看。 It's long, red, and golden. 它长长的,红红的,还金光闪闪的。 What could it be? 它会是什么呢? It's a dragon! 是条龙! We wish you a year full of peace, luck, and joy. 我们祝福你在新的一年欢乐祥和、好运连连。 Happy Chinese New Year! 新年快乐! 恭喜发财 Gung Hay Fat Choy The End 好啦,今天的故事就到这啦~
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