157 梦中的朋友

157 梦中的朋友

2019-04-20    05'17''

主播: 良声英语

1436 14

Once there was a girl named Melody, 从前有个女孩叫Melody, and she had a very special friend… 她有一个很特别的朋友…… … in  her dreams. 是在她的梦里。 Her friend could fly so fast! 在梦里,她的朋友可以飞很快。 He surprised her with lovely things. 他还带给她很多很多惊喜。 They played hide-and-seek. 他们一起玩捉迷藏。 They watched fireworks. 他们一起看美丽的烟花。 They have fun together every day and every night. 他们每天每夜都玩得很开心。 but only in her dreams. 但是,只是在她的梦里。 Melody was new in their neighborhood, Melody是小区新搬来的孩子, and she was too shy to talk to the other children. 而且她太害羞了,不敢和其他小朋友说话。 She wanted her dream friend in her real world. Melody很想她的朋友可以在现实世界出现,跟她一起玩。 She tried to coax him out from her dream, but it didn't work. 她试图把他从梦里哄出来,但是没有奏效呢。 Once day she was at the playground, feeling lonely. 有一天,Melody在操场玩,她感到很孤单。 She wished her friend was with her. 她好渴望她的朋友可以出来跟她一起玩。 She thought about the fun they'd had in her dream the night before.... 于是她回想着前一天晚上,他们在梦里做的好玩的事情........ She closed her eyes. Melody闭上眼睛。 She danced their dance. 她跳着她们一起跳的舞蹈。 She felt her friend was with her. 她感觉到她的朋友正在跟她一起跳。 "Is that a new game ?" someone asked. “这是一个新游戏吗?”有人问。 Melody opened her eyes and saw a girl. Melody睁开眼睛,看到一个女孩。 "Can I play with you?" the girl asked. “我可以跟你一起跳吗?”那个女孩问。 So Melody taught her the dance she learned from her friend. 于是Melody就教那个女孩跳她和梦中的朋友学来的舞蹈。 Soon everyone on the playground was dancing with them. 不一会儿,操场上的所有人都跟Melody跳了起来。 There was no magic like in her dreams, but it was ....magical! 没有任何魔术可以像她梦里的那样,大家一起在操场上跳舞这件事情真的是……太神奇了! Melody's new friend wanted to meet Melody's dream friend. Melody的新朋友想见见Melody梦里的朋友。 So they had a sleepover. 所以她们一起过夜。 Melody was hoping they could have fun together. Melody希望她们可以一起在梦里玩得很开心。 And they did. 实际上,她们的确玩得很开心。 好啦,今天的故事就到这啦~
上一期: 154 气球王国
下一期: 160 蓝色小卡车