160 蓝色小卡车

160 蓝色小卡车

2019-05-11    08'27''

主播: 良声英语

1128 9

Horn went “Beep!” Engine purred. Friendliest sounds you ever heard. 喇叭“嘟嘟“,引擎哔哔。也许这是你听过的最好听的声音。 Little Blue Truck came down the road.“Beep!” said Blue to a big green toad. 蓝色小卡车,开上大马路。“哔!”他向大绿蟾蜍打了个招呼。 Toad said, “Croak!” and winked an eye when Little Blue Truck went rolling by. 蟾蜍回声“呱!”,一只眼眨了眨。蓝色小卡车,开过他身旁。 Sheep said, “Baaa!”  “咩!”绵羊叫。 Cow said, “Moo!” “哞!”奶牛叫。 “Oink!” said a piggy.  “呼噜噜!”小猪在哼哼。 “Beep!” said Blue. “哔!”蓝色小卡车喊道。 “Cluck!” said a chicken, and her chick said, “Peep!” 母鸡打招呼:“咯咯!”小鸡跟着叫:“叽叽!” “Maaa!” said a goat. “呣——”山羊在问好。 Blue said, “Beep!” 蓝色小卡车说:“哔!” “Neigh!” said a horse. “嘶——”马儿吼。 “Quack!” said a duck. “嘎嘎!”鸭子叫。 “Beep!” said the friendly Little Blue Truck. “哔!”蓝色小卡车友善的回应道。 “Honk!” yelled a dump truck. “轰!”翻斗车大吼。 “Coming through! I’ve big important things to do! I haven’t got time to pass the day with every duck along the way!” “借过!借过!我有重要的事要做!我可没工夫跟路上的每只鸭子打招呼!” ROOM went the Dump around a curve.  扑哧!开到转弯处。 He saw a puddle and he tried to swerve-Into the mud rolled the big fat truck, and his big important wheels got Stuck! 翻斗车看见一个大泥潭,他赶紧扭转方向盘——这个笨重的大家伙,陷进烂泥里,他那很重要的大车轮,被卡得没法动! His heavy-duty dump-truck tires were sunk down deep in muck and mire. 身负重任的翻斗车轮胎在淤泥里越陷越深,根本出不来。 “Honk!“cried the Dump, and he sounded scared, but nobody heard (or nobody cared) “轰!”翻斗车害怕得拼命叫喊,但是根本没人听见。(或者说没人理他) Then… 然后... Into the mud bump bump bump came the Little Blue Truck to help the Dump. 砰砰砰砰砰砰,蓝色小卡车冲进泥潭,来帮翻斗车的忙。 Little Blue pushed with all his might—— now Blue and the Dump were BOTH stuck tight. 蓝色小卡车使劲推,用尽一切力量——结果却和翻斗车一样被困牢。 “Help! Help! Help!” cried the Little Blue Truck. “救命!救命!救命!”蓝色小卡车大声叫, “Beep! Beep! Beep! I’m stuck! I’m stuck!” “哔!哔!哔!我被卡住啦!根本动不了!” Everybody heard that “Beep! Beep! Beep!”  “哔!哔!哔!”这次大家都听到。 The cow came running with the pig and the sheep. 奶牛、小猪和绵羊,赶紧朝着那边跑。 Up at a gallop ran the big brown horse.  大棕马像风一样飞奔到现场。 Goat jumped over the fence, of course. 山羊跳过篱笆来帮忙。 The hen came flapping with the chick and the duck, and everybody pushed the Little Blue truck. 母鸡、小鸡和鸭子扑打着翅膀赶过来。大家一起用力,去推蓝色小卡车。 Head to head and rump to rump they all pushed Blue-who pushed the Dump. 用头顶,用屁股搡,他们推蓝色小卡车,蓝色小卡车推翻斗车。 They couldn’t quite budge that heavy load. Then who hopped up but the big green toad. 可他们没能让重载翻斗车挪动一小步。突然那只大绿色蟾蜍跳出来。 All together-one…two…three! One last push and the trucks were FREE! 所有人预备,一——二——三!一起用力推,两辆卡车出了泥潭! “Thanks, little brother,” said the Dump to Blue.  “谢谢你,小兄弟。”翻斗车对蓝色小卡车说, “You helped me and they helped you. “你帮了我,他们帮了你。 Now I see a lot depends on a helping hand from a few good friends!” 现在我明白了,很多事都得靠好朋友出手帮个忙,要不可真做不到!” “Beep!“ said Blue. “哔!”蓝色小卡车说, “Who wants s ride?” Everybody scrambled to jump inside. “谁想搭个车?”大家争先恐后跳上车。 Oink! Quack! Baaa! Moo! Cluck! Peep! Neigh! Croak! Maaa!” 咩!哞!嘎嘎!呣!嘶!呼噜噜!咯咯!叽叽!呱! Beep! Beep!Beep! 哔哔哔! 好啦,今天的故事就到这啦~