

2019-05-31    01'22''

主播: 良声英语

190 1

JERUSALEM 耶路撒冷 William Blake 威廉·布莱克 And did those feet in ancient time 古代的那些双脚板 Walk upon England's mountains green? 可曾穿行过英格兰的青山? And was the holy Lamb of God 上帝圣洁羔羊可曾 On England's pleasant pastures seen? 目睹过她悦人的草原? And did the Countenance Divine 神圣面容可曾照耀过 Shine forth upon our clouded hills? 我们的丘陵云绕雾环? And was Jerusalem builded here 耶路撒冷可曾在此被建造 Among these dark Satanic Mills? 坐落在黑暗的撒旦磨房间? Bring me my bow of burning gold! 给我拿来灼热黄金之弓! Bring me my arrows of desire! 给我拿来欲望之箭! Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold! 给我拿来我的矛!哦,云彩,散!散! Bring me my chariot of fire! 给我赶来我那战车吐着火焰! I will not cease from mental fight, 我不会停止思想之战, Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand, 我的剑不会在我手中酣眠, Till we have built Jerusalem 直至我们已经建设了耶路撒冷 In England's green and pleasant land. 在这绿色的可人的英格兰。 配乐:Harry Gregson-Williams - Crusaders