

2019-06-04    04'06''

主播: 良声英语

119 1

American Dreams in China 中国合伙人 里昂导言: “当我们的额头爬满皱纹,我们能做到的就是,不让它们爬在心里。” 2013年陈可辛导演的《中国合伙人》将一个关于梦想的故事展现在世人面前。故事(事情)关于迷茫,关于失落,关于友情更关于尊严,深深地打动着我,今天就带大家重温我们那个曾经热血的年代。 梦想不分国籍,愿你的心依旧炙热,勇敢向前。 I will be waiting for the right opportunity for the company to go public. 我一直在等一个时机把公司上市。 Now, I've got it. 现在,我终于等到了。 That’s right. It's you who give us this opportunity. 对,是你们给了我们这次机会。 Thank you Mr. Bernard, you are the one who has got us that attention of potential investors from the Wall Street. 谢谢你,伯纳德先生,是你们让华尔街投资者看见了我们。 They will see us as a company with integrity and courage that takes responsibility for its mistakes. 让他们看到我们的诚实和勇气,看到我们敢于为错误承担代价。 The more we pay you in compensation, the greater valuation we will get in the future. 我们付的赔偿金越多,我们未来市场的价值就越高。 In addition, there will be at least one more benefit from listing New Dream... 此外,上市还有另一个好处 …… Someday, when we are no longer teachers, but representatives of the world’s largest educational service cooperation, you may finally show us the respect we deserve. 会有一天,当我们三个不再只是教书匠,而是全球最庞大教育产业股的代表,你们就会给我们应得的尊重。 We won’t have to rely on lawsuits to communicate with each other. 我们不再需要通过打官司来沟通。 More importantly, I am also doing this for personal reasons. 更重要的是,我做这个决定还有一个个人原因。 I have a friend who is more brilliant than I will ever be and more deserving of success. 我有一个朋友,他比我优秀,远比我更应该成功。 But when he came to America, I witnessed the best man of my generation destroyed here. 但当他来到美国,我看到我们这一代最棒的人在这里被摧残。 Mr. Bernard, the playing field has never been even. 伯纳德先生,这里从来就不是一个公平的战场。 This is my way of reclaiming my friend's dignity. 我要用我的方式帮我的朋友赢回尊严。 According to a Chinese proverb, I am like a TuBie - a soft shell turtle, someone afraid to go out and take risks. 按中国话来说,我是个“土鳖”,一种软壳乌龟,一个害怕走出去害怕冒险的人。 Now, I am standing here, terrified even as we speak, but as my friend once said: some things are so important that enforce us to overcome our fears. 此刻,我站在这里,仍然不免会害怕,但我同意我这位朋友的说法:总有一些更重要的事情,赋予我们打败恐惧的勇气。 结束语:很多人在这部电影中看到了曾经的自己,也许,你也努力过,你也热血过。最后,不管结局如何,起码,拥有过那段回忆的你是幸福的。不论成败,那是属于你的荣光。 你有没有过倔强的坚持? 也许是为了高考而挑灯夜读, 也许是为了爱情和父母闹翻, 也许是为了梦想到外乡漂泊, …… 和我分享你最倔强的一次坚持吧 摘要:“我们一直想改变世界,最后才发现,其实是世界改变了我们”