

2019-06-04    05'05''

主播: 良声英语

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大家好,欢迎收听今天的里昂夜读,我是里昂。 每个人都有不能言说的秘密,隐藏着自己不愿被人发现的另一面,独自躲在时光的角落里舔舐伤口。 但秘密积攒太多,总想找地方发泄。所以我们会躲在被窝里伴着心事咬牙哭泣,亦或是披着匿名的马甲在网络世界发泄。 与其说秘密代表着痛苦和难堪,不如说这些是最真实的故事和你自己。你有什么秘密吗? Nothing makes me happy besides money. “Having money and buying stuff with my own money is the only thing that makes me happy. Not people, not relationships, not my achievements.” —indigo-wolf 除了钱,没有什么能让我开心。 “有钱并且花自己的钱买东西是唯一能让我开心的事了,不是什么人,不是什么人际关系,也不是什么成就。” I don’t feel grief like others. “Family members die and I’m sad but I won’t be depressed or angry, I just move on. It kinda makes me feel like a monster honestly.” —Mrfantastic2 我不像别人那样感受到悲伤。 “家人去世了,我很难过,但我却不会感到沮丧或者愤怒,我只是继续过日子,这让我觉得自己像一只怪物。” I am a mom of two wonderful children, and I wish I could just die on most days. “I am a mom of two wonderful children. I’m so scared of ruining their lives with my mental illness…I wish I could just die, so their memories of me will be positive.” —SheKnows9 我是两个孩子的妈妈,但我很多时候希望自己去死。 “我是两个孩子的妈妈,我害怕自己的精神疾病会毁了他们的生活……我希望自己死了算了,起码他们对我的回忆是积极的乐观的。” As a result of bulimia, my teeth are crumbling away. “I have many teeth problems stemming from bulimia years ago. Over the past few years repairs done years ago have fallen apart at a rate my insurance can’t keep up with. I’ve lost a few; a few more are crumbling away. But I can’t afford to fix any of it. I’m beyond embarrassed but there’s absolutely nothing I can do about it now. It occupies my thoughts constantly and there’s nothing I can do.” —MrRobotsBitch 因为暴食症,我的牙齿都坏掉了。 “因为暴食症,我有很多牙齿问题。过去的几年里,保险的速度跟不上我修补牙齿的速度。一部分的牙齿已经掉光,还有一部分正在掉光,但是我承担不起修补的费用了。我觉得很丢人,但是我无能为力。这件事占据着我的脑海,我却什么都做不了。” Got molested by an older cousin as a child. “Got molested by an older cousin as a child, had horrible depression and anxiety in college when the memories of that resurfaced. It happened at a good age where everything would basically be forgotten for years, but magically came back one day and haunted me for a while. Good thing is that cousin kind of has a shit life.” —Robertjordanforever 小时候被一个表哥猥亵了 “小时候曾被一个表哥猥亵过,还因此在大学时期患上严重的抑郁症和焦虑症。这么多年过去了,我以为自己已经忘干净了,某一天记忆却像潮水般涌来并困扰着我。好事是,我这个表哥现在过的很烂。” Sometimes I wonder if I actually know what love feels like. “I’ve said ‘I love you’ to people but I don’t know if I ever really loved them.” —EllipticPeach 我不知道我是否真的知道“爱”的感觉 “我也对别人说过‘我爱你’,但我却根本不知道我到底爱不爱他们。” 结束语: 我们总是小心翼翼地怀揣着自己的秘密 生怕被他人察觉出一丝端倪 生怕被人看到那个无人知晓的你 但今晚你可以破个先例 “和我悄悄说个秘密吧 这里不会有人认识你”