

2019-10-01    01'45''

主播: 良声英语

1787 18

Beautiful Blue Eyes 美丽的双眸 背景:Kevin Kern - A Gentle Whisper 朗读:美式发音 Blue eyes so full of life A wonder all of their own So beautiful and precious Oh to see those eyes smile Such a beautiful sight How I love to look into those eyes When I look into them A kind of peace comes over me Beautiful blue eyes Always haunting me ...teasing me Reminding me of what I want...can't have Why do they haunt me so When will I be free of them Constantly held captive by those blue eyes Beautiful blue eyes Always there A reminder of what I want...can't have Such beautiful blue eyes Beautiful blue eyes... 美丽的双眸充满生的力量 靛蓝色的奇观 如此的美丽,如此珍贵 这双眼包含的笑意 令人沉醉 当我望向眼底 只看到平静与柔和 这双眼啊 萦绕心头 像那些可望又不可及的 撩拨着,萌动着 这双眼啊 何时才能放过我 何时才能从我心头散去 这靛蓝的双眸 像那许多可望又不可及之物 时时萦绕心头 如此美丽