

2019-10-08    01'19''

主播: 良声英语

1958 22

To a Sad Girl 写给一个悲伤的女孩 by Uriah Hamilton 背景:A-Type Player-Dites-moi 朗读:美式发音 There is no way to explain Unending sorrow and grief, No way to kiss a young girl's cheek In a way that would give her back The joy death has stolen. 这无止尽的忧伤和悲痛 从来无从解释, 就像失去挚友亲朋时 那所有被夺走的欢喜 再也无法找回。 Humans are brave enough To live and bleed and die, But to be the one remaining As others say goodbye Is too much to withstand. 我们已经足够勇敢 去经历生活,伤痛和死亡, 但目睹身边的人相继告别 徒留自己在世的孤独和伤痛 还是人不能承受之沉重。 There are evil stars that smirk And thus mark us for treacherous fates, The days all burn like desert fields Until there is nothing left to love And nothing left to feel. 命运幸灾乐祸的哂笑着 使我们历经磨难, 每日都如同身处沙漠般 辛苦难捱 直到没有直觉,无从留恋。 But we're too proud to just give up. 但尊严不允许我们放弃。