

2019-10-22    01'36''

主播: 良声英语

1846 20

Business Girls 经商的女孩子 by John Betjeman 约翰·贝杰曼 背景:刘捷 - 羽毛 朗读:美式发音 From the geyser ventilators 自烧水锅炉的通风口 Autumn winds are blowing down 一阵阵秋风呼啸而过 On a thousand business women 前有上千名商业女性 Having baths in Camden Town 在卡姆登镇上沐浴着 Waste pipes chuckle into runnels, 废水咯咯地流入沟渠 Steam's escaping here and there, 蒸汽向四面八方逃逸 Morning trains through Camden cutting 早班列车方驶过站台 Shake the Crescent and the Square. 唤醒曲直交错的街道 Early nip of changeful autumn, 初秋那莫测的冷空气 Dahlias glimpsed through garden doors, 大丽菊窥见园中世界 At the back precarious bathrooms 身后是失修的卫浴间 Jutting out from upper floors; 从上层楼板间探出来 And behind their frail partitions 而稀疏的隔墙另一边 Business women lie and soak, 商业女性浸卧浴水中 Seeing through the draughty skylight 偶瞥见通风口的天光 Flying clouds and railway smoke. 云朵和铁路尘烟穿行 Rest you there, poor unbeloved ones, 在那歇息吧失爱之人 Lap your loneliness in heat. 让孤独在热能中沉浸 All too soon the tiny breakfast, 来得太快了这顿早餐 Trolley-bus and windy street! 那电车,那起风的街道