

2019-10-29    03'10''

主播: 良声英语

1860 22

Letters 信笺 John Keats 约翰·济慈 背景:Jeanette Alexander - Choose 朗读:英式发音 My dearest lady, 我最亲爱的女士: I am now at a very pleasant cottage window 我正惬意地临窗而坐 looking onto a beautiful hilly country, 眺望远山如黛 with a view of the sea. 碧海连天 The morning is very fine. 晨光和煦 I do not know how elastic my spirit might be, 我之所以能调适心情 what pleasure I might have in living here 享受此间生活 if the remembrance of you did not weigh so upon me. 全因有你的甜蜜回忆相伴 Ask yourself,my love,whether you are not very cruel to have so entrammelled me, 你近乎残忍,让我无可自拔 so destroyed my freedom. 将自由拱手相让 For myself, I know not how to express my devotion to so fair a form. 曼妙如你,我欲诉衷肠却一时语塞 I want a brighter word than bright,a fairer word than fair. 再璀璨烂漫的字句都不足以形容 I almost wish we were butterflies 期翼你我化蝶 and lived but three summer days. 生命仅有三个夏日 Three such days with you I could fill with more delight 有你相伴 三日的欢愉 than 50 common years could ever contain. 也胜过50年寂寥岁月 When you can confess this in a letter 在信里向我倾诉 you must write immediately 即刻动笔 and do all you can to console me in it, 全力抚慰我 make it rich as a draft of poppies 满篇的情愫 to intoxicate me, 像罂粟般迷醉我心 write the softest words and kiss them 亲吻你最温柔的字句 That I may at least touch my lips where yours have been 至少我也能感受你唇间的余温 “My dear Mr. Keats, thank you for your letter. 亲爱的济慈先生:感谢来信 Lately I have felt so nervous and ill that I had to stay five days in bed. 之前我心绪不宁,抱恙卧床五日 Have received your letter, 收到你的信, I am up again, walking our paths on the heath. 我又能起身,漫步我们的荒野 I've begun a butterfly farm in my bedroom in honor of us. 为了纪念,我的卧室成了蝴蝶的家园 Sammy and Toots are catching them for me. 弟弟和妹妹都帮忙捕捉 Samuel has made a science of it 塞缪尔颇有研究 and is collecting both caterpillars and chrysalises 还收集了毛虫和蝶蛹 so we may have them fluttering about us a week or more.” 一周光景,它们便能化身为蝶 “I have two luxurious to brood over in my walks, 散步时,两件事占据我的思绪 your loveliness and the hour of my death. 你动人的容颜和我死期 O that O could have possession of them both in the same minute. 同时得到两者,我亦死而无憾 I never knew before what such a love as you have made me feel was. 我以前从不知晓,被你爱是何滋味 I did not believe in it. 不曾相信如此爱恋 But if you will fully love me, 有你全心爱我 though there may be some fire, 纵有噬人火焰 it will not be more than we can bear when moistened and bedewed with pleasures.” 也并非无法忍受,因为有欢乐的浸润