

2019-11-19    02'21''

主播: 良声英语

1919 14

Undone(下) 吾爱难圆 Written by Anam Sufi 作者: 安南·苏菲 背景:Eric Chiryoku - Regret 朗读:美式发音 The orchestra of our past carries on listlessly 我们过去的乐章无精打采地奏着 Erratic, yet somehow segued, like time 不断跳章 却就这么不停地奏着 就像时光 And all of our choices embalmed incubate the senses 而我们所有的刻骨铭心的抉择悄然酝酿着情感 The smell of your skin 你肌肤的味道 The sound of your breath 你呼吸的声音 The question mark curve in your ear 你耳朵的轮廓 Now these seem hollow, like the nape of your neck 然而如今都变成虚无 正如你的颈背一样 Where once I touched and felt you 那是我曾经触摸感受你的地方 Alas. Remember the end, outside the Admiral 呵 还记得故事的最后 在酒馆外 I inhaled 我吸气 I exhaled 呼气 Reflecting 沉思着 I didn't notice you arrive but you stood there alongside me as the rain fell down 在大雨中 你就站在我的旁边 我却没有感觉到 I don't think this was a good idea, I said 我觉得我们不该在一起 Lying 我说谎道 You shuffled your weight on both feet 你不断地踌躇着 And I knew you wanted to say something 我知道你有话想说 I didn't let you 但我没有让你说出口 And you disappear like mist suspended in sight 然后你如薄雾般消失在了我的视野里 Betrayed by my grasp 从我的指缝中溜走 How I wish I'd run after you and said 多么希望我当时能追上你 说 "Hold me like you would a photograph, from the edges and lightly" 轻柔的拥住我 就像是小心翼翼地从边缘轻轻拿起相片那样 Because anything more and I'll be stained 因为再重一些我就将沉陷 Sullied by the desire of what would always and inevitably leave me undone 陷入那种对你无法自拔的渴望中 吾爱难圆