

2019-11-26    02'09''

主播: 良声英语

1886 15

Take me to Shanghai 带我回上海 By Anna·Rice 安娜·莱斯 背景:George Winston - 夜晚的天空 朗读:美式发音 Liberty swathes this city of shades 幽影之城被自由笼罩 Like gloves on the wings of a bird 如同双翼被束缚的飞鸟 The silken smoke of the words you spoke 昔言似烟缕雾绡 Still rises where you lay 在你安躺的地方至今萦绕 Take me to Shanghai 带我回上海 Take me to Shanghai 带我回上海 To the town where I belong 回到我的心之所向 The pathways were red,the lanterns alive 犹记彤光满路华灯初上 Diamonds adrift in the sky 夜空有钻石闪耀 You're standing here when I close my eyes 我合起眼就在这里与你相望 This slumber leaves me blind 不过片刻黄粱梦醒满目昏盲 Take me to Shanghai 带我回上海 Take me to Shanghai 带我回上海 To the town where I belong 回到我的心之所向 The night was mine to set alight 那夜晚由我点燃 Every cord and every chain 每一条绳索 每一道铁链 Your hands were ice within the fire 你的双手如寒冰于火焰 And it burned like poison rain 似毒雨燎原 The blood in these veins, the streets that it stains 斑驳街道 鲜血淋漓 Fevers unbroken by death 死亡也无法将狂热平息 Their shadows ride on this ruby tide 魅影席卷来去 乘着深红潮汐 And the waves that toss my breath 波澜跌宕了呼吸 Take me to Shanghai 带我回上海 Take me to Shanghai 带我回上海 To the town where I belong 回到我的心之所向