

2019-12-03    01'38''

主播: 良声英语

1887 16

Dreamcatcher 幻境 Karl Verkade 卡尔·维科 背景:丁可-Rain Night 朗读:美式发音 In the concrete textures 我们在身旁筑起高墙 Of an existence built up around us, 躲避其中 We are awakened. 清醒着,又迷茫着 Fear masquerading as choice 恐惧,失败和迷惘 Falls to the thought 误以为有权支配命运 That we have merely accepted the reality 不愿直面现实 With which we have been presented. 并用它来掩饰。 Blaming everything higher than ourselves, 我们会责怪比我们更好的人 Having never allowed anything to be higher than ourselves. 难以看到更旷阔的世界 We feel the world through the lens of our lives. 会拘泥于自己的世界 We feel love 但也摸索着去爱 we see love. 去见证爱 We feel hurt 会痛苦 we see hurt. 也会认清疼痛 We see a shadow of what our existence should have been, 我们会管窥到未选择的路通向何处。 We feel a shadow of what our existence could have been. 也会在这之后更努力的生活。 Awake. 保持清醒。 Be. 坚持自我。 Love. 勇于热爱。
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