214 我永远爱你

214 我永远爱你

2020-05-23    06'07''

主播: 良声英语

1913 13

每周六晚,不见不散!及时获得最新最全的绘本故事,请关注微信公众号:良声英语 I'll Always Love You 我永远爱你 by Louis One morning, Alex woke up early and ran to the kitchen. "I'll make Mom some toast and honey for breakfast," he said. "She'll like that." 今天,阿力早早起了床。他跑下楼,来到厨房,“我要给妈妈做早餐,她一定爱吃!” Alex reached for the honey bowl and… 阿力去拿盛蜂蜜的碗…… CRASH! 砰! His mom's favorite bowl was now nine pieces of sticky china. 妈妈最喜欢的碗摔成了九块碎瓷片。 Alex hadn't meant to break it. What would she say? 阿力不是故意的,可妈妈会怎么说呢? Alex's mom was doing her morning exercises. "Hello Alex," she said. "Did I hear something break?" 妈妈正在晨练。“嗨,阿力。我好像听到什么东西摔碎了?” "Mom, will you only love me if I'm good?" asked Alex. “妈妈,是不是只有我乖乖的,你才爱我呀?”阿力问。 "I'll always love you," said his mom. “我永远爱你呀,”妈妈说。 "Even when I've done something that isn't good?" asked Alex. “要是我做坏事了呢?”阿力问。 "I'll still love you," said his mom. "Honest." “我还是一样爱你。”妈妈说,“真的,不骗你。” "What if I have a pillow fight with Joey Bear and all the feathers burst out? Will you still love me?" “那如果我跟乔乔用枕头打仗,弄得里面的羽毛满天飞,你还爱我吗?” "I'll always love you. Though you must pick up all the feathers." “我永远爱你。不过,你们得把羽毛收拾起来。” "What if I spill my new paints on Baby and she turns green, red and blue? Will you still love me?" “那如果我把画画的颜料洒在妹妹身上,弄得她绿一块、红一块、蓝一块的,你还爱我吗?” "I'll always love you. Though you will have to give her a bath." “我永远爱你,不过你得负责给妹妹洗澡。” "What if I pour Grandma Bear's lumpy oatmeal over my head? Will you still love me?" “那如果我把姥姥做的燕麦粥扣在头上,你还爱我吗?” "I'll always love you. Though you will have to eat another bowl of oatmeal. Now why are you being such a silly bear this morning?" “我会永远爱你的。不过,那样你就得再吃一碗。现在,你能不能告诉妈妈,为什么今天早上,你一直在问这些傻傻的问题呢?” For a few moments Alex didn't say anything. Then he whispered, "What if I break your favorite honey bowl? Will you still love me?" 阿力没说话,过了一会儿,他小声说:“如果我把你最喜欢的碗打碎了呢?你还爱我吗?” "You know I'll always love you," said his mom. "Come on, Alex. It must be time for breakfast." “你知道我会永远爱你的。”妈妈说,“走吧,阿力,该吃早饭了。” And off they went into the kitchen. 过了一会儿他们进了厨房。 "Oh no!" cried his mom when she saw the nine pieces of sticky china. "That was my favorite bowl, Alex." “哦,不!这是我最喜欢的碗。”当妈妈看到碎片时,尖叫道。 "Sorry," said Alex. Two tears ran down his face. "You said you will still love me. I love you." “妈妈,对不起。”阿力哭着说,“可是你说过会永远爱我的……我爱你。” "Of course I love you," said Alex's mom, hugging him. “我当然爱你!”妈妈紧紧抱住阿力。 "Hey, I've got an idea!" shouted Alex. “嘿,我有办法了!”阿力从妈妈怀里跑出来。 "What is it?" she asked. “什么办法?”妈妈问。 "It's a surprise," Alex said, and he ran to his bedroom. “保密!”阿力说着跑向他的房间。 He looked in his toy box… 阿力在玩具箱里找…… He looked in his closet… 在衣柜里找…… And he looked under his table. 在桌子下面找…… At last, he found what he wanted. 最后,阿力终于找到了他想要的东西。 He got out his paints, poured some water into a jelly jar, and swirled his paintbrush around. 他拿出颜料,往一个果酱罐子里倒了些水,挥着笔画起来。 A little while later, Alex came downstairs again. "Here you are, Mom," he said. "But be careful, the paint's still wet." 不一会儿,阿力下楼了。“看,一个新碗。”他说,“这个碗的名字叫‘阿力爱妈妈’。小心啊,妈妈,上面的颜料还没干呢。” "I'll be very careful," said his mom, smiling. "Because this is going to be my new favorite honey bowl!" “我会非常小心的。”妈妈笑着说,“现在这个是我最喜欢的碗!” 好啦,今天的故事就到这啦~
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