217 动物们当然不能穿衣服

217 动物们当然不能穿衣服

2020-06-13    03'35''

主播: 良声英语

1869 11

Animals should definitely not wear clothing 动物们当然不能穿衣服 By Judi Barrett illustrated by Ron Barrett Because it would be disastrous for a porcupine, 因为这对豪猪来说是灾难性的, Because a camel might wear it in the wrong places, 因为一只骆驼会戴到错误的地方, Because a snake would lose it, 因为一只蛇会把它弄丢, Because a mouse could get lost in it, 因为一只老鼠可能在里面迷了路, Because a sheep might find it terribly hot, 因为一只绵羊会觉得它热得可怕, Because it could be very messy for a pig, 因为它会被一只猪弄得脏兮兮, Because it might make life hard for a hen, 因为它会让一只母鸡生活很艰难, Because a kangaroo would find it quite unnecessary, 因为一只袋鼠会发现它完全没必要, Because a giraffe might look sort of silly, 因为一只长颈鹿会看起来有点傻, Because a billy goat would eat it for lunch, 因为它会被一只雄山羊当成午餐吃掉, Because it would always be wet on a walrus, 因为它总会被海象弄湿, Because a moose could never manage, 因为一头麋鹿永远也不会穿好, Because opossums might wear it upside down by mistake, 因为负鼠们总会把它们穿反, And most of all, because it might be very embarrassing. 最重要的是,因为它可能会非常尴尬。 好啦,今天的故事就到这啦~