

2020-06-30    01'48''

主播: 良声英语

1942 17

A Fragment 碎片 Lord Byron 拜伦 背景:Peter Kater-Gently Dreaming 朗读:英式发音 When, to their airy hall, my Fathers' voice 当我父的声音响彻他们宽敞的礼堂 Shall call my spirit, joyful in their choice; 我要呼唤我的灵魂,为它们的选择喜乐 When, poised upon the gale, my form shall ride, 当我的身躯携呼啸狂风而驰骋 Or, dark in mist, descend the mountain's side; 或在黑雾中下山 Oh! may my shade behold no sculptured urns, 哦!愿阴影下不见精雕的骨灰盒 To mark the spot where earth to earth returns! 为了标识这尘归尘、土归土的地方 No lengthened scroll, no praise-encumbered stone; 没有冗长的卷轴,没有满镌赞扬的石块 My 'epitaph' shall be my name alone: 我的“墓志铭”上有的只是我姓名 If 'that' with honour fail to crown my clay, 如果那名字不能为我的土地光荣加冕 Oh! may no other fame my deeds repay! 哦!愿对我的功绩不要报以虚名 'That', only 'that', shall single out the spot; “那名”,只有“那名”,方能昭示该地 By that remembered, or with that forgot. 要么名与我均记,或者我与名俱忘