

2020-08-11    01'35''

主播: 良声英语

1912 19

I Said Hi 是我 Amy Louise Billings 艾米·路易斯·碧玲斯 背景:Various Artists - Escape From Tarkov 朗读:美式发音 I stand in the corner like a tired boxer 我像一个疲倦的拳击手站在角落喘息 One hand on my cheekbone, one hand on the rope 一拳抵着我的颧骨 另只撑在擂台围绳上 And all my veins pump blood into my throat 我的每条血管都泵血输向我的喉口 So I can hit the note, go do it all again 所以才能赢下这局 全部扳回来 Tell 'em all I said hi 我要问候他们所有人 And I lay half awake, thinking what it's gonna take 躺在床上 半梦半醒间我思索着这背后的代价 For my moment to arrive, so sick and paralyzed 我的时刻已到来,却如此厌倦与麻木 And I chew my gum on the left side of my mouth 我咬碎了牙往肚里吞 Wonder when I'll spit it out, I'm just getting started 不知何时才能一吐为快 我才刚刚起步呢 Tell 'em all I said hi, hope you've been well 我要问候他们所有人 希望你们过得滋润 You've been asleep while I've been in hell 当我在地狱备受煎熬 你睡得正香甜 Tell 'em all I said hi, have a nice day 我要问候他们所有人 祝愿他们过得愉快 I'll be just fine, don't worry 'bout me 我会没事的 别为我担心 Tell 'em all I said hi 我要问候他们所有人