235 小蓝和小黄

235 小蓝和小黄

2020-10-17    03'55''

主播: 良声英语

301 0

Little Blue And Little Yellow 小蓝和小黄 Leo Lionni This is little blue. 这是小蓝。 Here he is at home with papa and mama blue. 小蓝的家里还有蓝爸爸和蓝妈妈。 Little blue has many friends 小蓝有很多朋友, but his best friend is little yellow 但是他最好的朋友是小黄, who lives across the street. 小黄就住在街对面。 How they love to play at Hide-and-Seek 他们非常喜欢玩藏猫猫, and Ring-a-Ring-O'Roses! 还有转呀转呀转圈圈。 In school they sit still in neat rows. 在学校,他们整整齐齐的排排坐。 After school they run and jump. 放学以后,他们就又跑又跳。 One day mama blue went shopping."You stay home"she said to little blue. 一天,蓝妈妈要去买东西,她对小蓝说,你呆在家里不要出去。 But little blue went out to look for little yellow. 可是小蓝还是跑出去找小黄了。 Alas!The house across the street was empty. 唉,街对面的房子里没有人! He looked here 他这边找找, and there 那边找找, and everywhere...until suddenly, around a corner 找呀找呀……突然在拐角的地方, there was little yellow! 找到了小黄! Happily they hugged each other 他们开心的抱在了一起, and hugged each other 抱啊抱啊, until they were green 直到他们变绿了。 Then they went to play in the park. 然后,他们去公园里玩。 They ran through a tunnel. 他们穿过一条隧道。 They chased little orange. 他们追着小橙玩, They climbed a mountain. 他们又爬上了一座大山。 When they were tired 当他们玩累了, they went home. 他们就回家去了。 But papa and mama blue said:"You are not our little blue-you are green." 但是蓝爸爸和蓝妈妈说,你不是我们的小蓝,你是绿的。 And papa and mama yellow said:"You are not our little yellow-you are green." 黄爸爸和黄妈妈也说,你不是我们的小黄,你是绿的。 Little blue and little yellow were very sad. They cried big blue and yellow tears. 小蓝和小黄好伤心啊。他们哭了,流出了大滴蓝色和黄色的眼泪。 They cried and cried until they were all tears. 他们哭啊哭啊,直到全都变成了眼泪。 When they finally pulled themselves together they said: "Will they believe us now?" 最后,他们把自己收拢在了一起,他们说,现在,爸爸妈妈能认出我们来了吧? Mama blue and papa blue were very happy to see their little blue. 蓝爸爸和蓝妈妈看到他们的小蓝,开心极了。 They hugged and kissed him 他们又是抱,又是亲。 And they hugged little yellow too...but look...they became green! 他们也抱了小黄…但是,快看…他们变绿了! Now they knew what had happened 现在他们明白是怎么回事了, and so they went across the street to bring the good news.  于是他们走到街对面去报告这个好消息。 They all hugged each other with joy  大家高兴的互相拥抱, and the children played until suppertime.  孩子们一直玩到吃晚饭的时间。 好啦,今天的故事就到这啦~