241 快去睡觉

241 快去睡觉

2020-11-28    04'38''

主播: 良声英语

293 5

Just Go to Bed 快去睡觉 By Mercer Mayer I'm a cowboy and l round up cows. 我是个牛仔,我能赶牛群。 I can lasso anything. 我可以套住任何东西。 Dad says... 爸爸说.... "It's time for the cowboy to come inside and get ready for bed." “牛仔是时候进来,准备睡觉了。” I'm a general and l have to stop the enemy army with my tank. 我是一个将军,我必须用坦克阻止敌人的军队。 Dad says... 爸爸说... "It's time for the general to take a bath." “将军该洗澡了”。 I'm a space cadet and I zoom to the moon. 我是一名宇宙预备警察,我要飞到月球上去。 I capture a robot with my ray gun. 我用我的射线枪抓捕机器人。 Dad says... 爸爸说... "This giant robot has captured the space cadet and is going to put him in the bathtub right now." “这个巨型机器人已经抓到了宇宙预备警察,现在要把他放在浴缸里。” I'm a sea monster attacking a ship. 我是一个海怪,要袭击这艘船。 Dad says, "It's time for the sea monster to have a snack." 爸爸说,“海怪到吃东西的时间了。” I'm a zookeeper feeding my hungry animals. 我是一个动物园管理员,正在给饥饿的动物喂食。 Dad says... 爸爸说... "Feeding time is over. Here are the zookeeper's pajamas." “喂食时间结束了,这是动物园管理员的睡衣。” I'm Super Critter flying over the city. 我是超级小怪物,我要飞越城市。 I'm a train engineer being chased by bandits. 我是一个正在被土匪追捕的火车工程师。 Dad says, "The bandit chief has caught you so put on your pajamas." 爸爸说,“匪徒首领已经捉住你了,穿上你的睡衣吧。” But I'm a race car driver and l just speed away. 但我是一个赛车手,我就加速逃走了。 Dad says, "The race is over. Now put on these pajamas and go to bed." 爸爸说,“比赛结束了,现在穿上这些睡衣,上床睡觉。” I'm a bunny hopping around my garden. 我是一个兔子,在我的花园里跳来跳去。 Dad says... 爸爸说... "Just go to bed!" “赶紧去睡觉!” "But I'm a bunny and bunnies don't sleep in a bed." “但我是一只兔子,兔子不睡在床上。” Mom says,"Shhh!" 妈妈说:“嘘! Dad says, "Go to sleep." 爸爸说,“去睡觉。” Well, maybe a tired bunny could sleep in a bed. 好吧,也许一只累了的兔子可以睡在床上 ...just this once... ……只有这一次…… 好啦,今天的故事就到这啦~
上一期: 238 秋天的节日
下一期: 244 我爱你,晚安