256 小老鼠,红草莓

256 小老鼠,红草莓

2021-03-13    03'40''

主播: 良声英语

243 2

The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry 小老鼠,红草莓 Hello,little Mouse. What are you doing? 小老鼠你好呀,你在做什么呢? Oh,I see. Are you going to pick that red,ripe strawberry? 哦!我知道啦! 你是不是想把那颗已经成熟的 又红又香甜的草莓摘下来呀? But,little Mouse,haven't you heard about the big,hungry Bear? 不过小老鼠呀,你有没有 听说过那只饥饿的大熊啊? Ohhh,how that Bear loves red,ripe strawberries! 哦,那只熊可喜欢 红红的熟透了的草莓了! The big,hungry Bear can smell a red,ripe strawberry a mile away... 那只饥饿的大熊远远地 就可以闻到草莓香甜的味道...... Especially,one that has just been picked. 尤其是那种刚刚摘下来的哦! BOOM!BOOM!BOOM! The Bear will tromp through the forest on his big,hungry feet,and SNIFF!SNIFF!SNIFF! find the strawberry... 咚!咚!咚! 那只饥饿的熊会拖着他巨大的双脚, 穿过森林,它只要用鼻子 这里嗅嗅那里闻闻, 就可以马上找到草莓的! No matter where it is hidden, 不管草莓被藏到了哪里, or who is guarding it, 不管有谁在看着它, or how it is disguised. 也不管草莓被伪装成什么样。 Quick!There's only one way in the whole wild world to save a red, ripe,strawberry from the big,hungry Bear! 快!在这个世界上只有一个办法 能够不让这只红红的熟透了的草莓被熊吃掉! Cut it in two. 把它切成两半。 Share half with me. 我们一人一半。 And we'll both eat it all up. YUM! 我们一起把它吃光!真好吃! Now,that's one red,ripe strawberry the big,hungry Bear will never get! 现在,那只饥饿的大熊 再也找不到这只红红的熟透了的草莓! 好啦,今天的故事就到这啦~