

2017-01-05    04'44''

主播: 英语白米FUN

74 3

大家好, 我是霏小主。 欢迎收听娱乐大牌档!每日娱乐抢先听,轻松地道学英文。今天的娱乐大牌档所关注的大牌是 Johnny Depp。下面我们听一下今天的这条娱乐资讯。 Johnny Depp Says Amber Heard Is Seeking More Fame The divorce saga continues between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp. New documents have surfaced, and unfortunately, the former couple still has bad blood. According to court papers that E News has obtained, Heard’s legal team has recently filed for a Request for Order with the Los Angeles Superior Court. She is hoping to get her settlement and finally make the divorce official. She claimed, “Johnny has delayed the resolution of this matter. I want my life back. I want to be divorced now.” Depp and Heard were married in 2015, and Heard filed for divorce just over a year later. The two parties agreed on a $7 million settlement back in August, all of which was requested to be donated to charity. But now, Heard is renegotiating the terms. Depp fired back with some not-so-nice words. His team response reads, “Her application is not only a blatant attempt to extend her fifteen minutes of fame but also a waste of the Court’s limited time and resources and an embarrassing grab for addition and unwarranted attorney’s fees.” 单词 1. Surface v. 浮出水面 2. bad blood n. 恩怨 3. fire back 还击 4. not-so-nice 不怎么好的 5. blatant吵闹的 今天的娱乐英语课堂就到这里结束了。欢迎收听娱乐大牌档!每日娱乐抢先听,轻松地道学英文。我是霏小主,下次再会!ByeBye!