EP05英国王子哈利携女友浪漫看北极光 (英语“情侣手镯”怎么说)

EP05英国王子哈利携女友浪漫看北极光 (英语“情侣手镯”怎么说)

2017-01-10    03'20''

主播: 英语白米FUN

157 5

从这期节目开始,节目全新改版升级了!感谢收听今天的“娱乐大牌档”!欢迎微信搜索RiceEnglish关注“英语白米FUN”。每天来碗白米FUN,轻松地道学英语!“英语白米FUN”微信订阅号、喜马拉雅、荔枝平台同步更新! ====================================================== 20170108英国王子哈利携女友浪漫看北极光 (白米FUN学:英语“情侣 手镯”怎么说?) 大家好, 这里是由“英语白米FUN”原创出品的“娱乐大牌档”!每日娱乐抢先听,轻松地道学英文。 今天的“娱乐大牌档”所关注的是谁呢?正是“英国王室哈里王子和比他大三岁的演员女友梅根”。 下面我们就来听一下这条英语娱乐新闻吧,顺便来学学“情侣手镯”的地道说法是什么! — 白米FUN闻 — “Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have taken their first romantic getaway together.” (Source: Yahoo) The royal, 32, and the actress, 35, recently traveled to Troms, Norway where they enjoyed “whale-watching, sunsets in the snow and watched the Aurora Borealis”. The couple, who departed from England on Monday after spending the New Year together, may have even bundled up in their matching beanies and worn their matching bracelets! “Harry wanted to make this first holiday something will never forget. It wasn’t an obvious choice like a glitzy beach resort or tropical island,” a source told the publication. “He’d put a lot of thought into it and wanted to make it as romantic and special as possible.” Adding, “Harry wanted to get away from everyone and be totally on their own — just them. The Northern Lights are at their best at this time of year and¬ ¬currently have been the most amazing for ages. They really have had an unforgettable time.” After months of keeping their romance a secret, the pair’s relationship was confirmed in late October. They first met in May when he stopped over in Toronto. — 白米FUN词汇 —  romantic getaway n.浪漫之旅  depart v.起程  glitzy a.浮华的  Aurora Borealis n. 北极光  beanie n. 无边小便帽 — 白米FUN学 —  “情侣 手镯”的地道说法是什么? 答案:Matching bracelet 原文例句:The couple, who departed from England on Monday after spending the New Year together, may have even bundled up in their matching beanies and worn their matching bracelets! 白米FUN评:哈里王子和女友带了情侣帽子和情侣手镯。其实,所有的情侣物件,都可以用matching这个形容词,非常地道的说法,下次记得用一下哦! 感谢收听今天的“娱乐大牌档”!欢迎微信搜索RiceEnglish关注“英语白米FUN”。每天来碗白米FUN,轻松地道学英语!“英语白米FUN”微信订阅号、喜马拉雅、荔枝平台同步更新!今天就到这里,Byebye!