

2017-01-11    05'17''

主播: 英语白米FUN

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大家好, 这里是由“英语白米FUN”原创出品的“新闻大牌档”!每日趣闻抢先听,轻松地道学英文。 今天的“新闻大牌档”所关注的是谁呢 是“前美国总统奥巴马”。 下面我们就来听一下这条英语新闻吧,顺便来学学“farm-to-table”是什么意思吧! — 白米FUN闻 — “Where the Obamas dined during the 44th presidency” (Source: USATODAY) During two terms in office, President Obama has earned the title of diner in chief, one headline-making meal after another. The president and First Lady, Michelle Obama, have made it a point to eat out regularly over the past eight years, living up to expectations that they would expand the Washington, D.C. power dining scene beyond traditional white tablecloth spots. The Obamas celebrated anniversaries, birthdays, Valentine’s Day and date nights at all kinds of restaurants — from those owned by celebrity chefs, like José Andrés, to farm-to-table spots showcasing local ingredients to the most upscale of steakhouses. They've chowed down on burgers and pizza with their daughters, broken bread with heads of state, their staff and regular folks, and sampled everything from North Carolina barbecue to Hawaiian poke during their travels around the country. Living in the White House fishbowl has its drawbacks — the Obamas can’t just hop in an Uber any time they feel like trying the hot new restaurant down the street. But they never have to worry about getting shut out on a Saturday night on OpenTable, either. When the White House calls, there’s a good chance of getting a booking, no matter how last-minute. — 白米FUN词汇 —  in chief 首席 e.g. editor ~ 首席编辑, advisor ~ 首席顾问  fishbowl n. 金鱼缸,引申义:全无隐私  upscale a. 高档的 e.g.~ neighborhood 高档小区 — 白米FUN学 —  “Farm-to-table”是什么意思? 白米FUN评:表面意思是即是从农场到餐桌,核心里面就是吃当地,当季,新鲜的食物,做大自然的搬运工。这个概念是从北美开始的。一般餐厅会找当地的一些农场合作,由农场每天直接供应最新鲜的食材。自从这个理念兴起后,北美各地的farm to table的餐厅就如雨后春笋,目前在中国很多城市也可以找到类似理念的餐厅。 感谢收听今天的“新闻大牌档”!欢迎微信搜索RiceEnglish关注“英语白米FUN”。每天来碗白米FUN,轻松地道学英语!“英语白米FUN”微信订阅号、喜马拉雅、荔枝平台同步更新!今天就到这里,Byebye!