

2017-01-30    07'36''

主播: 英语白米FUN

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大家好, 这里是由“英语白米FUN”原创出品的“新闻大牌档”!我是霏小主。每日趣闻抢先听,轻松地道学英文。 今天的“新闻大牌档”所关注的是什么呢?就是当年轰动全球的好莱坞艳照事件。 2014年一名芝加哥的电脑黑客Edward入侵多位女星的电子邮箱,如Jennifer Lawrence、Kate Upton等,并将她们的裸照及视频发到网上,成为轰动一时的“艳照门”。现年29岁的黑客去年就案件认罪,而经过三年的审讯之后,他昨日获判入狱九个月。律师为他辩护时说,他之所以这么做是竟然是因为太空虚、太抑郁了?! 下面我们就来听一下今天的这条英语新闻吧,顺便来学一下如何表达“填补空虚”吧。 — 白米FUN闻 — Chicago Man Gets 9 Months in Celebrity Nude Photo Hack A Chicago man was sentenced Tuesday to nine months in prison for hacking the electronic accounts of 30 celebrities and stealing private information, including nude videos and photos. Edward Ma’j erczyk , 29, also was ordered to pay $5,700 in restitution for counseling services for one undisclosed celebrity victim whose photos were disseminated online. Majerczyk pleaded guilty in federal court in Los Angeles last year to one count of unauthorized access to a protected computer to obtain information. He signed a plea agreement for his case to be transferred to Chicago. He was not charged or accused of selling or posting the material online. Majerczyk's attorney Thomas said in a court filing that his client was "suffering from depression and looked to pornography websites and internet chat rooms in an attempt to fill some of the voids and disappointment he was feeling in his life." Federal agents have said Jennifer Lawrence broke down and became distraught during a 2014 meeting about nude photos of her that appeared online. She called the leak a "sex crime" in an interview with Vanity Fair magazine. — 白米FUN词汇 —  restitution n. 赔偿  disseminate v.广泛传播  pleaded guilty 认罪  depression n. 抑 郁症  distraught a. 心烦意乱的 — 白米FUN学 —  fill the voids 还记得这篇报道里,这个黑客是怎么解释自己会作案的吗? Majerczyk's attorney Thomas said in a court filing that his client was "suffering from depression and looked to pornography websites and internet chat rooms in an attempt to fill some of the voids and disappointment he was feeling in his life." 所以,这个黑客把一众明星的账号黑了,只是为了填补自己的空虚,to fill some of the voids。Void作名词,就是空虚感的意思。 例句:You can eat , eat , and eat, but nothing will ever fill that void. 你可以, 不停地吃, 但没有东西能填补那种空虚感。 — END — 感谢收听今天的“新闻大牌档”!欢迎微信搜索RiceEnglish关注“英语白米FUN”。每天来碗白米FUN,轻松地道学英语!“英语白米FUN”微信订阅号、喜马拉雅、荔枝平台同步更新!今天就到这里,Byebye! 英语白米FUN出品:《新闻大牌档》系列 — EP05好莱坞艳照门黑客获刑,只因空虚寂寞冷?