英语白米FUN | 儿童英语 | 寓言故事:会下金蛋的鹅

英语白米FUN | 儿童英语 | 寓言故事:会下金蛋的鹅

2017-12-24    03'48''

主播: 英语白米FUN

72 1

大家好!我是肥小猪(霏小主)。欢迎收听 “英语白米FUN” (Rice English)儿童版! Aloha,大家好!我是肥小猪(霏小主)。欢迎收听今天的“英语白米FUN” (Rice English)! Once upon a time, a man and his wife had the good fortune to have a goose which laid a golden egg every day. Lucky though they were, they soon began to think they were not getting rich fast enough. …… 如需本次节目的完整音频原稿(包括短篇原文,评析,单词注释等)请微信搜索“RiceEnglish”关注“英语白米FUN”,关注后,即可获得! ​