Still, I wonder if he has a point about the space it'll take up?可是我仍然在想如果他有一些关于空间的想法,那些理由会不会是确凿的?
Well, you know why Paul is upset?哎呀你知道保罗生气的原因吗?
He and his friends are always out there on the lawn right where the sculpture will be, kicking around a soccer ball.他和她的朋友经常去那片草坪踢足球,而那个地方恰恰是放雕塑的地方。
Now they'll just have to use another part of the campus to play.现在他们不得不换个地方踢足球了。
Oh! So he just doesn't want to have to move?哦,他就是不想挪地方啊?
Yeah! For him, it's sculpture versus convenience.是的,对于他来说,就是雕塑带给他不便。