6.1 他们正在探索医学研究的新领域,试图治疗那些目前还无药可治的疾病。They are exploring the new frontiers of medical science in an attempt to find remedies for incurable diseases.
6.2 我的数学老师威尔逊女士不仅教学方法独特,而且她从不试图往我脑子里硬塞知识。Her unique teaching methods apart, Ms Wilson, my math teacher, never tried to cram knowledge into my head.
6.3 中央电视台的定时天气预报,使得我们旅行时不管走到哪儿都能知道天气的变化。The regular weather forecast by the Central TV Station keeps up with the changes of weather wherever we go on a trip.
6.4 可怕的爆炸引起了一场大火,并造成这栋大楼部分倒塌。The appalling explosion started a big fire and cost the partial collapse of the building.
6.5 在现代社会里,浪费时间的方式比以往任何时候都要多 In the modern world, there are more ways than ever to waste away time, and all kinds of distractions are eating into our precious time.