

2018-03-22    02'57''

主播: 阿俊丢丢

17 0

20180328 话题38:一个重要的决定 When I was a little girl, I relied on my parents to guide my decisions about everything. 当我还是小姑娘的时候. 一切事情我都依靠父母来决定。 To get married is one of the most important decisions you can make in life. 结婚是你一生中最重要的决定之一。 This is a decision of life and death. 这是生死攸关的决定。 You should consult your supervisor before you decide which topic to write about. 在你决定写哪个题目之前必须请教你的导师。 When making decisions concerning migration, investment etc. , we'd better ask help from expert. 在作关于移民、投资等决定之前最好请教专家。 This decision symbolizes a turning point of my life. 这个决定标志着我人生的转折点。 We can't follow blindly all of our parents' advice. 我们不能盲目地采纳父母所有的意见。 Making decisions is a tough job. 作决定是件困难的事情。 My decision to become a teacher is largely due to my parents' encouragement. 我想当老师的决定很大程度上是由于父母的鼓励。 The decision of furthering my study in US opens a new window for me. 到美国深造的决定为我打开了一扇新的窗户。 I must be doited to make that decision. 作那样的决定我一定是头晕了。 Once a wrong decision is made, rarely is there an opportunity to amend for it. 一旦作出错误的决定,几乎很难有机会来弥补。