44. 历史时期 唐朝
Describe a period of time in the history of your country that you are interested in.
You should say:
when it was,
what happened during that period of time,
who played an important role in this period of time,
and explain why you are interested in this period of time.
Human civilization dates back thousands of years, and for practically every country, there's an absolute wealth of history to learn about and learn from.
This applies particularly to China, one of the few ancient civilizations to have continued its existence in more or less the same form for five thousand years.
And one period I take particular interest interest in is the Golden Age of Chinese civilization, the Tang dynasty.
Regarded as one of the high points of cosmopolitan culture in the ancient world, the Tang Dynasty was founded by the Li family, who took power during the decline of the preceding Sui Dynasty.
This family reign was briefly interrupted when Empress Wu Zetian seized the throne and became the only Empress regnant in Chinese history.
The Tang Dynasty began in the beginning of the 7th century, the lasted for approximately three hundred years.
The first half of it was marked by progress and stability, while the vast population base allowed th court to maintain a large army expand its territory and guard the lucrative international.International trade routes such as the Silk Road.
Arts, religion, and technology all flourished, even during the leader, more chaotic times, when some of China's most prominent poets and artists gained recognition.
Even in an ara with comparatively little international relations, the Tang Empire's prestige was acknowledged as far away as Europe.
I suppose it's only natural that we all wish the best for our country and its people, and to an extent, the days of the Tang Dynasty, relative to the rest of the world at the time, seem to have been even more prosperous than today.
Maybe looking back at history will give us signs of what we can do to improve, or at least what mistakes to avoid.