《Living in Between》灰烬之塔ED

《Living in Between》灰烬之塔ED

2020-11-29    04'01''

主播: みみ要塞

58 2

分享歌词: I’m living in between, 我沉溺在踌躇之中, To hours that could count, 想要一个可以依恋的家, Between the future and the past, 在过去的记忆和未来的憧憬中徘徊 Between feelings that will last, 在转瞬即逝的快乐中惆怅 In a game that cannot win. 不能靠近,也无法离去, Living in between, 沉溺在踌躇之中, The road that shows to take, 注定要经历的历程, Desires to run away, 我多想不顾一切, Promises unmade, 不去挂念以前的誓言, Words I dare not say, 就像我没有说过一样, Living in between, 沉溺在踌躇之中, The singer and the song, 唱歌的人也不能决定自己的心意, The place she calls her home, 在这个被她称为家的地方, The urge to travel on, 在这场急匆匆的旅行中, And ways to quit the scene, 我多想要获得快乐, Living in between, 沉溺在踌躇之中, The one who let me down, 这个让我心安定的人, The word that goes around, 这些在我心中无法抹去的誓言, Cold distorded sounds, 曾经像小提琴一样的你的声音, Where the ones were violins, 现在却让我感到寒冷, Living in between, 沉溺在踌躇之中, Living in between, 不能前进,Living in between, 也无法后退, Living in between, 沉溺在踌躇之中, Living in between, 不能前进, Living in between, 也无法后退, I’m living in between, 沉溺在踌躇之中, Forgetting phone calls, 就让世界将我遗忘, Friends that come and go, 朋友们来了又走, They’ll never know, 他们和我一样不会知道, The real me, 我现在的想法, Living in between, 沉溺在踌躇之中, Being near and far away, 是继续还是离去, Going on and standing still, 是前进还是停驻, Exactly in between, 我的心就卡在这踌躇之中, The dream within a dream, 被自己的一个又一个的梦困住, In between, 踌躇, In between, 徘徊, Living in between, 不能继续, Living in between, 也无法离去。
上一期: 赵子龙
下一期: 禁区-黄龄