

2017-11-03    07'06''

主播: Miss美语发音

41 2

Day 14 今日学习 【句子】 I&`&m gonna write to Mac and ask if there is any way I can be in one of his videos. 【注音】 【发音技巧】 write to的连读处理;there is的连读处理;be in one of his的连读处理。注意any的发音 【译文】 我想给麦克写信,问一下他我能不能加入到他某一期的视频中。 【活学活用】 if there is any way 是否有办法 eg. I’m thinking if there&`&s any way to allow everyone to read this book. 我在想有没有办法让所有人都读到这本书. 注意: if If there is any way you can help me get out of this,let me know it. 如果你有什么办法能帮我摆脱这件事,请告诉我 get out of to avoid doing or having to experience something get out of something 摆脱避免:责任,麻烦等;抽身 get out of doing something摆脱做某些事情 有没有想起 get rid of something get rid of doing eg.If you get out of a routine, it&`&s very hard to get back into it. 一个习惯改变了,再改回去很不容易。 eg.Mr.Li wanted to get out of teaching. 李先生一直想摆脱教书。 【在留言区翻译试试吧】 Considering that you helped me get out of my depression, I&`&ll marry you anyway. --公众号Miss美语发音 微信:1035354770