1108 The ban goes for you,too

1108 The ban goes for you,too

2017-11-08    10'08''

主播: Miss美语发音

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Day 19 今日学习 【句子】 Frank.The ban goes for you, too. Frank,这条禁令也对你有效。 【注音】 fræŋk.ðə bæn goʊz fər ju, tu 【发音tips】 Frank,ban的发音 【活学活用】 1. go for The same goes for…… to apply or to be relevant t o somebody 同样适用于某人(某物) eg.What I said about Jim goes for you, too. 刚才说到Jim的对你也一样。 They have a high level of unemployment, but the same goes for many other countries. 他们这里失业率很高,但是其他很多国家也一样。 2. go for to make an effort to achieve something go for it 努力争取,勇往直前. 英语教材翻译成 新目标 拼一次 eg. Don't care what people think and just go for it. 不要管别人,只管往前冲就是了。 3. go for sb. to attack somebody eg. She went for him with a knife. 她用刀袭击了他。 经典表达: We will kick it old school. 我们将戒掉嗜好,成为守旧派 kick it old school - Do something the old way 'old chool old-school老派的,过时的,守旧的 new school 扩展 Kick it (any word) style: eg. It's time to kick it old school. eg.We should kick it old school, you know, the way we used to do 我们可以试一下老方法。 【在留言区翻译试试吧】 Let's kick it Italian style. 公众号:Miss美语发音 系统学习音标,一对一正音,添加微信:1035354770