1110 弥补过错 make amends

1110 弥补过错 make amends

2017-11-10    09'28''

主播: Miss美语发音

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Day 21 今日学习 【句子】 It was a very bad thing. And I would be honored to mow your lawn and clean your car for the rest of summer to make amends. 我会用行动来弥补的,这个夏天帮你修剪草坪,清洗汽车。 【注音】 ənd aɪ wəd bi ˈɑnərd tə moʊ jər lɔn ənd klin jər kɑr fər ðə rɛst əv ˈsʌmər tə meɪk əˈmɛndz. 【发音tips】 断句,would be的处理,honored to 的弱化, rest of的处理 【活学活用】 make amends amend v.修订,改良。 amendment amends n 补偿,赔偿,赎罪 to do or to give somesomething as compensation for a poor behavior or we can say, to make up for your wrong doings. eg. How can I ever make amends for such behavior? 我究竟该怎样为这样的行为向你补偿呢? eg.Surely he did terrible thing, but he has paid the price, and now he wants to make amends for what he has done. 没错,他是做了坏事,但是也付出代价了呀。 现在他想弥补自己之前的过失。 I own you, losers 我打败了你们这些失败者。 I own you. 1. 拥有 2. 战胜,拥有控制权。 internet games 比如:光晕2 'halo 2'. Means that you killed them and now you own their body and their pride. 最早是游戏用语,扩展指一次一次在战胜对手。 I win/won To win repeatedly against an opponent. əˈpoʊnənt You are so dead. 你死定了 【在留言区翻译试试吧】 你不觉得应该抓住这个机会,弥补下自己之前的做法吗? -- 微信公众号: Miss美语发音 系统学习英语发音正音,添加微信:1035354770